Hanging loop for suit inflation bottle - classic configuration #1

Hanging loop for suit inflation bottle - classic configuration

Hanging loop for suit inflation bottle. Just insert in the backplate slot according to the detailed drawing. Hanging loop for suit inflation bottle - detailed drawing

Not suitable for Librety Heavy configuration.

Item number :#1589
Item weight :0.05 kg
Availability :not available
count of pcs
Hanging loop for suit inflation bottle - classic configuration

Hanging loop for suit inflation bottle. Just insert in the backplate slot according to the detailed drawing. Hanging loop for suit inflation bottle - detailed drawing

Not suitable for Librety Heavy configuration.

Hanging loop for suit inflation bottle - classic configuration #1

Hanging loop for suit inflation bottle - classic configuration

Hanging loop for suit inflation bottle. Just insert in the backplate slot according to the detailed drawing. Hanging loop for suit inflation bottle - detailed drawing

Not suitable for Librety Heavy configuration.

Item number :#1589
Item weight :0.05 kg
Availability :not available
count of pcs
Hanging loop for suit inflation bottle - classic configuration

Hanging loop for suit inflation bottle. Just insert in the backplate slot according to the detailed drawing. Hanging loop for suit inflation bottle - detailed drawing

Not suitable for Librety Heavy configuration.